NEVILLE HOBSON (at right) is probably duly engaged in more meaningful tasks so he might not notice he's been tweeting for exactly four years today. I know the day because it's St Nicholas Day in some homes but St Jangles Day in my tweetspace. Even though I'm subscribed to many channels of Jangles, I actually follow him aurally because it's automatic. His business podcast has been on my mobile devices since 2005 and it's the one that most helps me through corporate business communications. I made the decision to hang out on Twitter because Jaiku started acting flaky. I liked Jaiku's channels but over the years, Twitter discovered its own version (hashtags) and the Irish twitter community grew into tens of thousands of people, even though the first three years of Twitter were filled with irregular service and regular worms that still attack the unwary. I've seen a change in the attention economy since thousands of potential blog readers started using Twitter (and publicity hounds have stomped off). Statcounter tells me that my daily readership is cut by more than 50% since 2007 on Inside View, my main blog. Gartner tells me that the workplace is changing how it handles communications too and that by 2014 systems like Twitter will reduce the importance of e-mail in the workplace. I believe Gartner and I'm embargoing a blog post today that will appear in late 2014, reflecting on the way my fourth year creative multimedia students see their workplace of 2014.
Twittergrader tells you who joined four years ago.