I AM SITTING in the back seat of our car watching my lifestream go by on my iPod Touch. Because of the way I have set up Pinboard and Rseven, I can glance at a permanent digital record and see where I have been, what I was reading, where I was heading, what text messages came and went, the images, videos and audio clips I made and where in the world I was for all those things. I use Twitter, my Nokia E7 running Rseven, Delicious, and Pinboard together. As long as most of the creative stuff happens on my handset, I have a total and exceptionally accurate diary. And because all these things happen without any pompting on my part, I will have a perfect sousveillance system if ever my phone goes missing. Considering how all these things are independent systems, it will matter little to my most creative endeavours when Twitter goes silent.
Sent mail2blog from my Nokia phone using O2 3G Typepad service near Rathkeevin, County Tipperary, Ireland.