I HEARD OF DEREK K. MILLER'S passing through a Facebook note left by Bob Goyetche, a fellow Canadian podcaster. From Derek's Penmachine blog and through his comments on Inside Home Recording, I knew his battle with cancer was going to end in the Spring of 2011. Derek died on 4 May 2011, leaving behind a wife, two daughters and a digital legacy that inspires me. I continue to learn a lot about digital audio by listening to years of downloads from Derek and Dave. And I get large doses of inspiration from the extensive essays Derek penned while he considered how technology was rapidly changing the way people communicate and connect. Although I don't expect to live until 2060 (the year that would have made him older than his grandmother), I'm happy knowing that through the ether, we both shared some common thoughts--and many of them were started on his blog or through his podcasts.
Derek K. Miller -- "The Last Post" on Penmachine, 4 May 2011.
Dave Chick -- "Goodbye, Derek" on the Inside Home Recording blog, 4 May 2011.