I SPENT TWO HOURS inside Google+ on my laptop today and after adding 100 people to various circles, I walked away to watch what happened on my mobile phone browser. It was like watching a context-aware mailing list on steroids.
I'm enthused about Google Plus because I like threaded conversations more than I like throwaway 140-character tweets. I know I'm biased because I've easily understood how Jaiku worked and I'm probably one of a dozen people in Ireland who liked Friendfeed. It's really easy to dismiss G+ with the thought that "Google really doesn't get social." But this latest offering by Google is sweet on the desktop and very functional when viewed through a four-year-old Nokia web browser. If you're a regular reader of my blog, I'd like to add you to one of my circles during this field test. Drop me a comment on my post with your gmail address as your email address on the comment. And below the break, keyboard shortcuts from Matt Cutts.