I SPENT AN HOUR with @eolai talking about his thirty-two county painting tour and the way that he plans to leverage social media during his ambitious cycling journey.
I'm loaning him my O2 Mifi access point because it serves me well when uploading video, audio and still images. He's using a Sony Ericsson Xperia X8 to snap shots and to record Audioboo clips. All these pieces of media gain machine intelligence when uploaded and shared online. It should be possible to construct maps that show the Painting Tour as it runs around Ireland. The idea is straightforward: you pay for a painting and Liam stops to complete the commissioned work. He wants to reserve five hours each day for his art work and be on the bike to log up to 50 miles for each cycling segment. This is an ambitious undertaking, one I'll follow online by rreading, viewing and listening.
Sent mail2blog using O2IRL Typepad service in Liffey Valley from my Nokia E7.