I STARTED LISTENING to RTÉ presenter Áine Lawlor shortly after arriving in Ireland. She is temporarily leaving Morning Ireland after being diagnosed with cancer.
Áine closed her Friday morning show by saying, "That’s all from me for a while as I'm taking a break for medical treatment. Thanks to all of you who have listened over the past 16 years." Cancer treatments take their toll, meaning Áine won't be able to get up at 4:30 every morning to present the news to hundreds of thousands of listeners. However, she plans to continue her One to One series of interviews on RTÉ television and to also continue her work on a documentary about the Irish presidency.
I hope her treatment goes well and she returns to the morning commute with a positive outcome. In the meantime, I think she can put herself in the right frame of mind by also offering her gardener a strong course of anti-slug treatment--and then sharing her tips with me. Good luck, Áine.
Ronan McGreevy -- "Lawlor signs off Morning Ireland" with photo by Matt Kavanagh.