WHEN I INADVERTENTLY erased more than 1000 contacts from my mobile phone I was really glad to know Goosync would quickly restore them.
I had previously erased contacts from my phone and I've also used Goosyn to populate new handsets before. It's just so reassuring to know everything works. During the same time, Blackberry users were getting totally cut out from Messenger and iOS 5 was reducing some friends' handsets to blank screens. I had better success.
I've started culling my phone contacts because a lot of bloat has crept into the contacts database since my first SyncML experiment with a Motorola phone in 2004, with Nokia Contacts in 2005, with Zyb in 2009 and with R7 in 2010. Google thinks I have 618 duplicates and I agree. It's time to start trimming so I can squeze my phone contacts into 10MB or less. They currently occupy 27MB of space on my Xperia Arc.