A FEW YEARS AGO I spent a few days in London and got charged EUR 248 for using my mobile phone. Every day I was in London, the fee averaged out to more than $300 a day. This year, O2 spotted my data use after EUR 64 and cut me off. That didn't happen when I visited the States--as the O2 bill shows I failed to shut off data roaming.
I'm a little surprised by what happened to me in London because I had arranged a data roaming account and the pre-purchase of 500 MB of data. It's possible that I overran the data purchase and O2 politely red-lined further use.
It's also possible that O2-Ireland is several days behind my phone because I got the data warning more than 18 hours after I returned to home base.
I won't know the damage until I look at the numbers via my online account. It won't suprise me to discover I owe O2-Ireland some money. But what's irksome is that my mobile data usage pattern has to be very tightly constrained when traveling. I certainly cannot use my phone to snap and share photo updates without planning to spend nearly $5 for each image shared.
Sent mail2blog using O2-Ireland Typepad service from my Nokia phone.