[PUBLISHED FOR #OEB11, an event I could not attend in person.]
I HAVE STUMBLED into a tap-and-learn process involving my personal learning network and hope to get a peer review of the way that I glean value from the ambience shared via online networks.
I think it's important to start at the end product and work forward. I have to produce transmedia material that can be shared in print copy and e-ink. To create these end products, I need to effectively leverage online hives of activity.
After trying a process during the past two years, I'm convinced there's great value in the easy handheld availability of a flow of high-quality information. Having a vibrant PLN to hand increases my abiilty to leverage quality information about trends in education that come pulsating through networks such as Twitter, Audioboo, Google Plus, Delicious, Pinboard, YouTube and Flickr. As the accompanying shot from my kitchen table suggests, I use several complementary technologies. I explain these in my YouTube and Audioboo clips. More below the break.