I AM A BIG FAN of Nokia Maps because I have used them for more than three years across four different handsets.
I think it's quite cool to be able to move from one handset to another and to find my favourite places starred and navigable on Nokia, Android and Windows Phone handsets. I can check into a place using Nokia Maps, save it as a favourite, and know that the next time that I synchronise my Nokia Maps, I'll have the favourite on my all of my handsets and also on Google Maps. Real life places are more important than bookmarks. It's important for me to be able to send latitudes and longitudes directly to friends who are looking for the best pastrami in Portland or the biggest bagels in Manhattan. I've had those kinds of things starred on my handset a few years before Dennis Crowley figured out Foursquare. And the magic of all this is that my mobile will work as a GPS long after it works as a phone. I'll be able to walk streets with a clear line of sight to the overhead satellites and have my phone reliably talk me through turns on the streets. I'm a big fan of this kind of useful technology.
Watch on YouTube below the break.