VISUAL STATS OFTEN TEACH me more than lines of text and this quick screen (at left) from Google Analytics reminded me of a few things I'd forgotten.
I'd forgotten the power of a newsfeed. Google Analytics treats the 262 January visitors from Feedburner as part of a campaign, yet there's no campaign promoting the Inside View newsfeed. That's because the feed comes in too many flavours and I'm trying to ensure Feedburner is smart enough to deliver the correct content to the appropriate device. At the moment, I need a better feed result when content goes to Kindle.
With Say Media's help, I'm also cranking out feeds for all the categories on my blog. That's very straightforward on Wordpress but a little more work with the advanced templates I'm using on my own blogs. When I get it right, I'll have sections of my blog feeding out as a Kindle document subscription, available for the twelve people reading my blog via their Kindle, Kobo and Nook.
I think there's an untapped campaign in that cohort because I believe people are searching the web for "subscribe via Kindle" and taking the bait when they find it. That's a worthwhile campaign in my book.
Michele Neylon -- "Captain Obvious Says Blogging Regularly Gets Traffic, using as his reference point, blogging at, January 29, 2012.
"Subscribe via Kindle" had "about 133,000 results" when this blog post published. "Subscribe by Kindle" had fewer than 10,000 results on a Google verbatim search.
The feed for my blog is