I HAVE A CONFESSION to make: my most retweeted items come from Google Plus Shared Circles. And now since my G+ activity is much higher than what I do on Twitter, I'm sharing the inside story.
Image compliments of Kexino.com
It's a story of how to find like-minded, engaging people on Google+ by tapping into a list of 139,000 names and over 900 circles on the Google+ Shared Circles Database. If you like eclectic, this is your honeypot.
The Shared Circles Database gets regular updates from the Google+ community. If you're a regular reader of my blog and someone has shared a circle with you that is worth recording, please take a moment to add it to the Google+ Shared Circles Database at goo.gl/PrcGo #SharedCircles
Here are the instructions http://goo.gl/Ktn6R and the current categories are below the break.
Current Categories for the G+ Shared Circles Database
#Accessibility #Animals #ArtDesign #Authors #Aviation #Business #Celebrity #Comedy #Companies #Education #Engineering#Entertainment #Events #FashionStyle #FoodBeverage #Games #Geeks #General #Geography #Groups #Health #Hobbies #International#Japan #Lifestyle #Men #Music #News #Occupation #OccupyWallSt #Pages #PersonalityTypes #Philosophy #Photography #Politics#Psychology #RealEstate #Religion #Science #Social #SocialMedia #Sports #Tech #Web #Women #YouTube
Chris Porter -- Google+ Shared Circles Database", January 19, 2012.
Image by Gee Ranasinha. I am http://gplus.to/topgold on G+.