Bernie Goldbach outside Crowe's Farm | 209 words
DCU HOSTS #NC4 next week, a free event about "Cloud Computing and Commerce". Its impressive line-up suggests the day has high potential for face-to-face business networking as well.
Dublin City University has a strong tradition of cloud computing, one I can trace back to 2005 when I spent six months in Santry, leeching off the Dublin City University wireless network. I was on a career break from teaching and needed mobile internet services delivered faster than O2-Ireland. DCU delivered that to my laptop back then.
The Get Digital: The National Conference on Cloud Computing and Commerce marks DCU's evolution into an international centre of cloud excellence. The free event includes Paul Rellis (MD, Microsoft Ireland), Anthony Quigney (Director, Dell Solutions), Sean O’Sullivan (Managing Director, SOS Ventures) presenting perspectives about cloud computing for e-commerce.
The conference is organised by Techspectations and the new Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce both located at DCU Business School and is sponsored by Microsoft. It forms part of National Cloud Week, a series of events taking place next week "designed to raise further awareness of the role that cloud computing can play in helping to drive economic growth, support job creation and to deliver savings and efficiencies in the public and private sector in Ireland".
Look for me there, especially if you need a highly talented creative multimedia student for summertime work placement services.