Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | Audioboo/Topgold clip
MY LIFE GOES SMOOTHER with chunking. And elegant chunking helps produce compelling multimedia.
This is a topic that will evolve in greater detail throughout the summer, then will appear in several places in our creative multimedia degree as part of a production process.
Chunking starts with a scribbled thought in my Moleskine notebook. Those who read me regularly know those written notes become Evernotes. Some germinate as blog posts, video clips, audio moments or content that sits inside Kindles or iBooks.
Chunking will feature as a key term during my afternoon presentation at the 2012 e-learning summer school (#elss12) in the Dublin Institute of Technology.
And chunking helps keep my focus on the real world, the one crawling at my feet at home.
Bernie Goldbach curates links about GTD.