Bernie Goldbach in LIT-Clonmel | Image from Flickr
I HAVE A LICENCE TO COPY. The Licence permits the copying of extracts from all books, journals and magazines published in Ireland (with some listed exclusions).
I can copy up to 5% of a published volume or issue. But I'm also limited to reproducing only a single chapter from a book or a single article from a journal. And I cannot copy more than a single short story or a single poem exceeding ten pages in length from an anthology.
I generally identify all copied work with details of the author, title and ISBN/ISSN at the foot of each page. It's good practise to attribute source material. I look for Creative Commons material when building printed products for my academic courses. And I know the limitations cited in this blog post are the same ones under consideration by second level teachers who are trying to convert some printed material into epubs and Kindle content.
Academic licences do not cover printed music, newspapers, maps, workbooks, assignment sheets, privately prepared tutorial material, "copy permitted" publications, and grey literature. The Irish Copyright Licencing Agency has an excluded list on the downloads section of its website.
Bernie Goldbach curates links about copyright.