Bernie Goldbach at #smdCork | Photo of the Xoom
WHILE AT SOCIAL MEDIA DAY in Cork, a new G+ update dropped onto the Xoom 2 Media Tablet and it has features that should interest even the most jaded Google Plus detractors.
James Corbett (and a dozen friends) noticed the Events function with its party mode. Next week, we'll see how #LOCC works as a G+ event with images pushed via Instant Upload. I think we'll have an instantly updating photoset on Picasa for things upstreamed during the OpenCoffee session.
The Xoom tablet's display of G+ content feels a lot like Flipboard (but just with content from the flow on Googleplus that I'm following).
The most amazing thing I like about the improved G+ on the Xoom is the way I can now connect via a video Hangout with up to nine people simultaneously. We did this during #smdCork and it works extremely well via wifi and 3G.
Bernie Goldbach curates things about Google.