Bernie Goldbach in LIT-Clonmel | Screenshot from the iPad
THERE IS A LOT to like about the magazine style of LinkedIn for the iPad. The best aspect for me is how it squelches most of the noise from Twitter.
I like the Flipboard metaphor of LinkedIn on the iPad so I'm spending time there and reducing my Twitter time. The big discovery I need to make is reverse engineering how only one screen in the entire LinkedIn iPad app is actually native. Most of the LinkedIn iPad app is based on HTML5 mobile web standards, running in the browser and leaning heavily on Node.js.
Both LinkedIn and the Financial Times are leaning towards HTML 5 in their apps. It's fascinating for a Silicon Valley tech company like LinkedIn to choose a progressive mobile solution for their latest tablet version. The result is impressive.
I've made a short video of the iPad app, seen through my account. I think the LinkedIn app makes for a strong case study in the HTML 5 curriculum we have in the Limerick Institute of Technology.
Direct link to my short LinkedIn video:
Bernie Goldbach curates apps.