Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | Shot of the FT and Kindle
I AM STUDYING places around the home where I can read and this weekend, I'm trying out an ebook reading position near our compost bin. That's mainly because I downloaded Tommy Collison's collection of essays [1] as an iBook from the Apple Store.
I'm spending a lot more time reading under the sun nowadays (It's Summer!) and that enriching experience endorses my decision to buy my Kindle months ago. Jane Boyd suggested Steven Pressfield's Turning Pro [2] so I bought that short e-book for my Kindle and read it instead of the normal selection of Sunday papers.
As I note in the short video below the break, the FT Weekend has an excellent magazine centred on food, inspiring me from its cover to its recipes. And several items in the pink pages caught my eye, one long read about Microsoft entering the tablet market and another about the entitlement culture that I'm going to make part of a blog post on its own.
I can't help but think there will be financial turmoil globally again this year unless the German and French leaders step up their game concerning Euro bonds or some other mechanism to offer more breathing room to Spain and Greece. Cyrpus will need help and Ireland deserves a better break too. There's a fleeting mention of this in the video clip recorded below from my compost bin.
1. Tommy Collison -- A Certain Freedom, 2012.
2. Steven Pressfield -- Turning Pro, 2012, ISBN 1936891034
Watch on YouTube or listen on Audioboo.
Bernie Goldbach curates newsrounds.