THE IMPACT EQUATION, a business book by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith, has given me a very valuable perspective about the conversation platform I'm using online. I'm going to use several examples from the book when teaching social media for business.
I dove into the Kindle version of The Impact Equation instead of watching Ireland's Late Late Show and believe I know I derived more value from my Friday night by reading and annotating Kindle pages. The book (and its vibrant online ecosystem) will provide talking points and workshop material not only in academic activities in the Limerick Institute of Technology but also for several Skillsnet workshops we run in southeast Ireland. This is a book with solutions, not just social business marketing theory.
I like the work of Chris Brogan because he is a consummate communicator and because he has attracted his fair share of snide and vitriolic commentary from begruders. His engaging style comes through in The Impact Equation, not only in terms of advice but also in the form of the practical tips that he offers in the book. I particularly like his view of the "platform" most of us use today when extending ourselves online. Both Brogan and Smith work with Fortune 500 companies and they have a pedigree that deserves a fluffy link.
Behind the scenes, I marvel at how Brogan orchestrated a pre-ordering campaign to best effect. Shortly after The Impact Equation landed on my Kindle, I noticed the title was in the Top 10 of Amazon business books. That feat alone proves there's value in reading how to leverage your platform presence.
For those reading for a clue about what the impact equation is, here is a derivative of the equation: Impact=CREATE. C is for contrasting or positioning your unique message. R is for reaching your audience for maximum exposure. E is for exposure (how often you connect with your audience). A is for articulation (clear and simple communication). T is for trust and authenticity. And E is for echo - how your message resonates and connects.
The book itself dissects each of these components in clear and actionable ways. I recommend reading it from cover to cover.
If you don't buy The Impact Equation because you don't need to extend your reach or influence, you should visit chrisbrogan.com/impact, inoveryourhead.net and scan tweets from both @chrisbrogan and @julien.
Brogan and Smith -- The Impact Equation ISBN 1591844908 is on my bookshelf.