I REALLY LIKE the energy and civility of App.net, a growing community of real people, applications and design. This week, I'm liking ADN's Monday Night Dance Party vidcast.
This is a simple concept--listen to a remote DJ play music recommended by App.net members. Or you can watch the videos while simultaneously chatting with each other. Ben Freidland says, "Think of it as our very own MTV, powered by the App.net message bus. It combines a lot of interesting elements: a creative use of our API, collaboration, member participation, integrations, and a whole lot of music."
@jdscolam saw me writing about listening to a Michael Koman orchestral mix and he invited me to the Tuesday version of the party mix. I hooked up over my O2-Ireland connection and enjoyed an hour of music.
The video cast streams on a dedicated Play page, powered by HTML5. I submitted several tracks through a drop-down box, just listing some YouTube links I already have on personal playlists.
The full experience happens in ChatView (joining the MondayNightDanceParty hashtag) or in the Patter room, which both offer new interfaces for talking to other App.net users. Afterwards, you can listen to past parties in through Tomahawk.
Because people connect using playlists in social media.