I LEARN A LOT by listening to my children. And I learn a lot of what I've missed by listening to others tell me what they're hearing.
That's happening now during the holiday season as our year-and-a-half-old crawls at high speeds towards new things he can see within his reach. He discovered a karaoke machine on the floor of his cousins' sitting room and immediately began using the mic as it was designed. He imitates what he sees around the house, giving me a view of what I might see in the mirror.
I've started making short audio recordings of him interacting with his world. I'm using the Audioboo app to make and share his noises, then saving the uploaded audio into my Evernote account where I've a folder just for Dylan Goldbach. Dylan's vocabulary is very limited at the moment but his reactions are very astute and he commands responses from the big people in his life, even people who have never seen him, like Jackie Rumble (aka TheBooMagnet) in Canada. She made the audio clip below.
Bernie Goldbach is keeping Evernote journals for the kids.