The Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) holds its 14th annual conference EdTech2013 Opening Up Education - Content, Learning and Collaboration in University College Cork on the last Thursday and Friday of May (30-31 May 13).
The 21st century educational landscape is a rapidly changing space. Traditional education policy models, institutions, work-practices and learning cultures are being challenged to meet the needs of diverse, mobile and lifelong learners. The panels at EdTech2013 appear to be aligned with debating the role, opportunities and challenges afforded by technology-enhanced learning.
-- Changing learning environments e.g. the emergence of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) alongside the increasing adoption of non-traditional open, flipped, personal, social and informal learning environments.
-- Supports for digital literacy development of educators and learners e.g. by constructing pedagogically useful practices to address issues of data curation, digital identity, and global citizenship.
-- Policy implementation issues e.g. National Strategypriorities such as enhanced flexibility in the delivery of higher education programmes; and the enhancement of engagement with innovative pedagogies and the technologies that support these.
-- Enhancing the quality of learning experiences for the 21st century learner.
In addition to several interactive sessions (hopefully some including Google Hangouts on Air), two keynote speakers caught my eye:
-- Sian Bayne, Associate Dean (Digital Scholarship) at University of Edinburgh and co-developer of the university’s first MOOC "E-Learning and Digital Cultures" via Coursera.
-- Lawrence C. Ragan, Director-Faculty Development at Penn State’s World Campus and Co-Director of the Center for Online Innovations in Learning (COIL).
Watchlist: The ILTA Call for Papers.