WE HAVE JUST started looking at a way to revise a static web site and to make it more appealing to teachers and to parents in the Presentation Primary School in Clonmel, County Tipperary.
We're trying to make the website more current. They problems we have had in the past were that it was too cumbersome to update the site. What we are now doing is exploring ways to allow teachers to update the site on their own once they are comfortable with the user friendly editing tools.
In fact this blog post is being sent by email to the web site with nothing in between--straight from email to publish. Most teachers are very comfortable with email and require very little training in web writing if e-mail is a publishing channel.
We also know that we want to produce content that people read and that some of our students and teachers will be using tablets to share stories from School to home. Perhaps within a year the primary school students will be creating the photos to be included in news items just like the children in the photograph accompanying this blog post.
Editor's Note: We viewed this blog post through the Typepad content management system to delete a duplicate post and to move the photo from the bottom of the post to the top left of the post. We think two of the teachers in the school might volunteer to be web editors who are responsible for taking care of minor formatting issues.