LIKE MANY I KNOW, we have gone backwards in our standard of living. I wonder if our children will start at a lower standard of living.
We live in a two-income household because we bought a home. If we didn't have that obligation, we might be able to help the Minister for Public Expenditure with one of us standing down. Unfortunately, there is no easy way for us to sell a home on a ghost estate.
Across Europe, highly respected people are asking why governments should continue down the road of austerity. When working people know that every month often means getting less to take home even when working longer, it becomes more difficult to go the extra mile while making something that shines on the world's stage.
Beyond all the personal sacrifices, I also wonder what chance our kids will have of getting to the standard of living we once enjoyed. I'm also having problems fitting that view of the future into the Europe of 2050 that I once read about in a rosy view of the future.
Sent from my Windows Phone while watching Riverfest Limerick.