I BOUGHT VidTrim Pro for two euro because its reviewers said it would help me cut, edit and upload strips of video recordings on my Sony Xperia. It also produces high quality audio clips too.
The most positive factor about the software is it allows me to use the two microphones on my Xperia handset and that means I get authentic doppler effects with traffic, wave action on the beach and the drifting sounds associated with lively pedestrian footfall across Ireland.
I also bought the Xperia Z because its only negative review came from Stefan on The Voice Mail (he didn't like its shallow black screen). Personally, I believe the Xperia Z looks better than any phone I've owned. It's certainly thinner and lighter. It is a lot more powerful with many more connectivity options than any smartphone on the shop floors in Ireland. I don't need Android 4.2 (and may regret that decision later) and it took a week to adjust to its five-inch screen. This is easily Sony's best phone yet with a system architecture that makes it easy to ROM into a basic Google phone.
At CES 2013, the Xperia Z won the "Best Smartphone" and "Best of Show" awards. I've seen it in the hands of young moms who use its excellent imaging to capture HD moments with their kids. I used mine to record young Dylan's first steps and only wish that I had a big side button that activated the camera quickly.
Besides all these opinions, I like using the Xperia Z to create Audioboos with VidTrim Pro. I have recorded some of the clips with my phone cradled in my steering wheel of our parked car, then quickly produced the audio with VidTrim Pro. The video software can edit audio segments then mix down the result as a 24-bit MP3 file for emailing to Audioboo. The Xperia Z is also strong enough to let me upload 35-60 MB MP3 files across O2-Ireland HSPA service while walking Dublin streets.
I'm annotating my Audioboo files with "Xperia" when I produce work this way and you're invited to listen.
[Bernie Goldbach teaches BYOD field recording as part of the creative multimedia programme in the Limerick School of Art & Design.]