I'M LATE TO THE waves created on Anchor, an audio app focused on short-form threaded in-hand audio conversations. I think Ruth Arnold gives a very good impression of the app in a series of two minute snippets that I cobbled together and shared on Audioboom.
I spent an hour listening to waves on Anchor and think it's engaging social audio with several interesting features. I like the sound of people talking, especially when they're able to express their message in fewer than 120 seconds.
Friendly to hyperlinks
You can add URLs to waves. This means people can see and click your hyperlinks inside the app, in a browser when they're listening to your clip and on Twitter after Anchor pushes out to your timeline.
Twitter and Facebook Integration.
You can push your original content or your replies to the waves of others onto Twitter and Facebook. Or you can keep your content on Anchor itself.
Search Function Works
Anchor's search function is good for finding people or hashtags. But you may need to know the real name of people because people like me haven't figured out how to make a call sign (mine is topgold from aviation days) work as user names.
Threaded Audio Playlists
Anchor is set up to playlist audio content from people you follow. You just start the app, plug in and it generates a stream of audio content from most recent to oldest. I get no more than 20 minutes of content every time I plug in and let the app send me content I've subscribed. It sounds like I'm listening to episodes from interesting people who are making waves.
*** Bernie Goldbach has made content for iTunes podcasts since 2003.