I'VE REDUCED my 30 months of experience with Socrative to five minutes for a very short talk at the annual Irish Learning Technology Association Conference in Dublin tomorrow. If you want to participate in this hands-on experience, you should read my Slideshare deck about Socrative and use Socrative to answer 10 questions in Room 622136 before 3:15 PM on Thursday, May 26, 2016.
I've time-checked my presentation (ruthless referees cut people off if they use more than their five minutes) by making a short Boo below.
The best thing about Socrative is hearing students say they enjoy using it to test their knowledge. Its simply user interface creates a high level of playful engagement with some of my most unenthusiastic students and that alone has kept Socrative on the home screens of the Android and iPhones I use every day.
As you can tell from the slide deck, I am planning to show live results during my ILTA presentation from people who log into Room 622136 and answer a few multiple choice questions. I'd appreciate your participation too. The questions are easy and the people at my presentation will appreciate seeing more people involved in the Socrative session than are actally watching my presentation in the conference venue.
Thanks in advance!
+++ Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business at the Limerick Institute of Technology.