WE'RE TWO MONTHS AWAY from the 2018 ICT in Education Conference and have started sketching concept art in support of the event. Three separate sketches have earned more than 4000 views each after we uploaded them on Flickr for community commentary. One of the sketches will become the official logo of the 2018 annual conference.
Creative media student Adam Aranowski offers his brief interpretation of the top three images through a 30-second enhance podcast that explains what he sees in each of the images. Based on crowd affirmations, the best images were produced by Emer Hyde, Shannon Egan, and Diana Matos.
Listen to "Three Voices in Education" on Spreaker.
[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business in the Limerick Institute of Technology. The image at the top of this post was drawn by Shannon Egan. Please click here to see all the images about voices in education.]