ONE OF THE important calls to action I enjoyed during the 2018 ICT in Education Conference came from several attendees who told me I need to push out more information about drones (UAVs). So I've started looking at places to publish my findings.
Journals Publishing UAV Material
- Drones in Science in Theory of Science.
- Journal of Operations Management is a well-regarded Elsevier journal, as seen when cross-checking its pedigree via SCIMAGO.
- Journal of Unmanned Aerial Systems is "a leading peer-reviewed and open-source UAS resource for those in academia, government, and industry seeking to contribute, share, and learn from each other" but it's relatively new (three editions) in the field of academic publications.
UAV Newsletters
- Commercial UAV News
- The Business of Drones
- Irish Tech News has a section on drones.
Listen to "On Writing And Publishing" on Spreaker.
I'm posting this information during a hands-on staff training session facilitated by Frank Houghton. One of the goals of the training is to help researchers determine the quality of publications before taking the time to submit papers to those publications. I've taken six pages of notes during this five hour training session and also discovered a few things about my writing workflow that I need to test and refine.
For example, I've found a way to send items that arrive in my feed reader (Inoreader) to my Kindle Voyage. The Kindle gives me working notes for audio clips I'm trying to create.
[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business in the Limerick Institute of Technology.]