YEARS AGO, Dave Winer set up Weblogs as a frictionless way to share collaborative notes. In the late 90s, I pulled commentary from around the world through Winer's Radio Userland and then the newsfeeds of the world started hiding behind closed apps.
I want to use some quiet time during our current social lockdown to experiment with feeds of information spliced from disparate sources. Today, I'm trying to see if I can indirectly create an RSS feed from my Pinboard notes. Pinboard Notes often extend from my Moleskine Notes.
Today's snippet is just a few lines of annotated workflow snipped from Pinboard. I need to figure out how to activate this scraping with Zapier.
Lockdown test
Weld Mesh Gabion Seat
Weld Mesh Gabion Seat
[Bernie Goldbach teaches creative media for business on the Clonmel Digital Campus for the Limerick Institute of Technology.]