WHILE PREPARING for an extra week of school holidays, we discovered our eir Vision box freezes. Suggestions appreciated to help restore normal service to our Netgem STB.
UPDATED 2 JAN 2021: An eir call centre tech thinks there's a possible over-voltage condition on the line so he's sending a tech out to the house to look into the line quality.
UPDATED 3 JAN 2021: On a Sunday, an eir technician spent more than an hour opening access panels next to our home and throughout our housing estate before he found the cause of spurious voltage on our line. He solved the eir Netgem STB problem and sorted out a landline issue I had not reported.
2. All cables are connected and nothing has come unplugged since we didn't move anything while erecting Christmas lights.
3. Our eir vision set top box is powered as verified by its green indicator.
4. Our eir modem is powered on and the status lights are flashing.
5. When I press power on the eir remote the LED on the front of our eir vision box blinks.
6. The lights are powered on in our eir Home Plugs.
7. I rebooted the TV box., entered the deep sleep mode. and turned on the eir vision several times.
I wonder if we need another eir Vision box. Our work-around is to cast the RTE Player or to use any of the other apps on our Samsung TV. But it's more convenient to channel surf with eir Vision--and we've paid for the convenience.