I HAVE SET OF QUESTIONS my interaction design students have answered after reading The Design of Everyday Things.
1. Typeform as a survey tool.
Explain how Typeform excels as a survey mechanism. Offer a specific observation related to your use of Typeform.
2. Tools for automation.
What tools do you use to automate your life?
3. How you do things
Explain how normal people do things and how you do things. You can gain some inspiration from an audio recording published on Sharepoint at How People Do Things or on Spreaker.
4. Machine corrects you.
Describe the most memorable time when a machine said that you made a mistake.
- Ref audio: “Human Centered Design” on Spreaker
- Ref info: Table 1.1
- Suggestion: Offer an image of a machine telling you what to do. You can sketch it or if you use an image with attribution.
5. Visitor Path Schematic.
Create a schematic of a visitor path using a selected page on InsideView.ie
6. Document a memorable Norman door.
7. What will the rear of an autonomous car look like in the year 2050?
Ref audio: “Four kinds of constraints” on Spreaker.
8. Describe your surroundings when you are in the flow.
Ref audio: “The Seven Stages of Action and Three Levels of Processing” on Spreaker.
9. Share your personal discoveries about natural mapping with controls in a car or on a stove.
Ref audio: “Natural Mapping” on Spreaker.
10. Document one of your failures and its subsequent breakthrough.
Ref audio: “Blaming the wrong things” on Spreaker.
11. Name the key affordances in your life.
Ref audio: “Fundamental Principles of Interaction” on Spreaker.
Suggestion: Listen to the types of affordances suggested by Don Norman.
12. Suggest a tactic to enhance the News directory of Clonmel Digital.
13. Document a significant aircraft accident finding related to cockpit displays or control inputs.
Ref audio: “Culture and Design” on Spreaker.
14. Share a discovery arising from your Personal Knowledge Management system.