I REVERTED TO FORM and started blogging during the four hours I spent on a Zoom call with 113 others who expressed an interested in learning more about how to successfully apply for research funding under RUN-EU. I saved my rough notes as part of this blog post (see link below) because I think it's important to establish open and distributed nodes of communications between researchers who are scattered throughout the EU.
It's all about collaboration.
As a faculty member of the Technological University of the Shannon, I can easily join an European Innovation Hub. However, because I work 50 km from the nearest canteen where other innovators can easily meet to chat, I have to establish a virtual chat zone. I'm going to kick start daily blog posts on my 20 yo blog because it's always on my phone. Moreover, I'm asking Leo the AI to listen for Erasmus+ inside my Feedly web service. We need to have a presence on campus with Erasmus Plus.
I'm joining a collective of creatives who are part of a European Innovation Hub and hope to encourage them to offer visual representations when sharing progress reports. I know screencaps and flow charts can often tell more about the stages of a process than well-written prose.
The pain of producing
More than half of the breakout sessions during the Zoom call concerned how to minimise the pain of producing research reports, manuscripts, and journal items. I felt like a boisterous lad in the back of the bus when I advocated a call to document exhibitions and performances through data capture tools such as Elsevier Pure Portal. Since nobody on the call was familiar with the standing of Pure Research facilities, I decided to park my ideas as follow-up discussions with senior librarians on our two major campuses.
I know I'm part of the unpublished researcher problem because I haven't refashioned any part of my two decades of working notes into published materials. During our day-long RUN-EU Zoom meeting, I kept a tab open to track what Catherine Cronin was sharing from the ALT conference. Catherine Cronin knows the rigors of academic publishing. Most of her work slots into Open Education Resources that I use. I think it would be invaluable to invite Catherine Cronin to the next virtual meet-up of RUN-EU and include a way to sit in the same room as Catherine when she shares her ideas about inclusivity, sustainability, and agency with the group.
Most of the academics on the Zoom call have not submitted research to a journal. Because they lack an awareness of the harsh criticism they may endure from peer reviewers it would be nice to hear from researchers like Catherine Cronin who have navigated the research publishing space.
I also think there would be exceptional value in kick starting Open Coffee sessions once a month in the Absolute Hotel on Sir Harry's Mall in Limerick.
I've six pages of notes that I distilled into five working points for discussions with my Clonmel campus colleagues and for a possible follow-up collaboration on the topic of Limerick Lace with Giordana Giache.
Bonus Links
From Bernie's Microblog via feeds.feedblitz.com
Bernie's Working Notes from Zoom Call 6 September 2022 (16 kb DOCX file)
[Bernie Goldbach teaches digital transformation for the Technological University of the Shannon.]