I WANT TO recap 2022--an important year because we finally restored face-to-face communities--before the end of the month so I'm making a public proclamation of my intentions. Starting with me acknowledging that I need to change some of my underlying processes. More on that later.
My Reading List
I want to share what's on my bookshelves because I've discovered some of the titles I enjoy also resonate well with my daughters and with my father-in-law.
Things that made my year
I want to list 10 things that made 2022 special for me. My reference point is where I'm spending most of my time and if those things count, I have to ensure the Surface Book, my Samsung Note 9, Obsidian, Stoop inbox, Top Drawer Journalism, YouTube, Readwise, Moodle, and Flickr get mentioned.
Secret Sentences
I inscribe a sentence in the front of all my Moleskines and my Leuchtturm journals. I should share them with readers when I publish my end-of-year post.
[Bernie Goldbach teaches digital transformation on the Clonmel Digital Campus of the Technological University of the Shannon.]