I AM AT THE INTERSECTION of immersive gaming and popular culture as I begin another academic semester with both games developers and creative multimedia students at LIT.ie.
I start the new year surrounded by games developers. They know how to code computer games. They have more than one games player in their homes. They have games like Cut the Rope (at left) on their mobile handsets. They understand the roles played by UI designers, project managers, graphics designers, scripters, and sound engineers. I'm the guy on the outside.
I also have a group of students who will plan the annual creative multimedia exhibition in LIT-Clonmel. We want to attract more people to this important event and I think the games developers can offer suggestions that will help that happen.
During the next month, I intend to leverage the expertise of the two groups, exposing the collaborative group dynamic, high-quality audio clips, compelling graphics and scratch work as video clips. I will use Google Docs, Basecamp, Google Hangouts, Dropbox and an assortment of online social networks to achieve the result.