WEEKEND COVERAGE OF the 3G iPhone in Ireland includes front page treatment offered by the Financial Times and while that's an excellent example of embedded advertising, it's nothing like the opening-the-box treatment offered by Pat Phelan. In fact, I think the flow of information I'm getting on Jaiku and Twitter is probably better than that offered by the mainstream press. I made a Qik video (enclosed as a 3GP file too) as I rambled through two Saturday newspapers offered to me by my local newsagent. I found short shrift for the 3G iPhone, limited analysis of why Dublin Airport radar malfunctioned, ideas on smart investments during the current recessionary period, and another reason to renew my New Yorker subscription.
3G iPhone Euphoria. FT Weekend gives its front page lead photo to a happy customer imitating the Parade of the Holy Book as he leaves the NYC Apple flagship store with his new iPhone. [1]
EU Boosts Pensions for Musicians. Proposals to extend copyright for musicians in Europe to 95 years could be approved in the EU on Wednesday. [2]
Really Like the New Yorker. It's doubtful that any other magazine in the States is as venerable as the New Yorker. [3]
Alternative Energy Investments. There is general agreement that the wind sector--the biggest and most developed renewable energy sector--can only improve. [4]
Dublin Airport Radar. There's a hardware problem with a patch to the radar system at the Dublin Airport and that has cost airline passengers a lot of money during the past week. Oil price hikes will cost Ryanair profit and will also raise electricity rates in Ireland by at least 17% this year. [5]
Satellite is not broadband. That's basically the conclusion drawn by the Irish government and it should be reflected in the map rendered of Irish broadband coverage. [6]
1. Rob Minto in London -- "Queues Greet New iPhone" in "Mobiles and Telecoms" deep inside the Financial Times, 12 July 2008. Now read Pat Phelan's take on the 3G iPhone.
2. Nikki Tait -- "EU to push for music copyright of 95 years" in "World News" in the Financial Times, 12 July 2008.
3. Trevor Butterworth -- "What could be better?" in an interview inside the Financial Times, 12 July 2008.
4. Alice Ross -- "Renewables Generate Interest" in the Money section of the Financial Times, 12 July 2008.
5. Ruadhan Mac Cormaic -- "Flight delays to drag on" in the Irish Times, 12 July 2008.
6. Irish Times BusinessToday -- "Satellite broadband firm loses court bid for inclusion in NBS" in the Irish Times, 12 July 2008.