NOTHING HELPS ME MANAGE my commutes better than a boot that fits my stuff. That's a trunk (at left) that can handle an entire weekend's trip away from home. Some would think that it's hardly a technical achievement to create space in a car. But after a year of dragging a cot, a stroller and a riding horse in the car whenever we spend a few days away from home, I'm so very happy to know that the little cut-outs on the side of my BMW's trunk ensure there's an easy way of stowing the Maclaren stroller that we use to push Mia around different places. In some promotional brochures, the indentations shown in the photo are hailed as proof that the car can easily manage a golf bag. Carrying a golf bag in the boot of a BMW equates to carrying a stroller in its place. That convenient storage makes my batmobile trunk the ninth most valuable tech item in my life for 2008.