Remarkably, the average time between any two tweets from the same user is exactly 24 hours. Twitter usage also has lessons for online commitments relating to virtual education. Just as we know from study of Moodle, our virtual learning environment, we know that we can predict the level of engagement within two weeks of introducing the Moodle social learning network to students. In Twitter, researchers can look at the second week of someone's activities and reliably predict users' future behavior as a group. This cohort analysis unveils some other interesting data.
Even though there's a massive dropoff in Twitter users after the first month, the research shows "tweeting activity from the users who are left is so voluminous that it makes the "tweets per month" of each cohort average over 100%."
"In other words, the users who stick around actually tweet so frequently (and at such a rapid pace compared to their first month) that they more than make up for the lost activity of those who churned after the first month. This is a very powerful and unexpected statistic."
You can learn more by following @topgold on Twitter, win valuable prizes, and get first-hand information about where all the shiny, happy people congregate in Ireland.
Robert J. Moore -- "Twitter Data Analysis: an investor's perspective" on TechCrunch, 5 Oct 09. Moore runs RJ Metrics, an on-demand database analytics and business intelligence startup that helps online businesses measure, manage, and monetize better.
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