SEVEN MAJOR THEMES EMERGE FROM A 12-minute Qik clip of the Irish Sunday broadsheets. There are two events I like. Ian Bailey, a guy I've met, is being charged with assassination. The two conjoined twins inspire me. Ireland's meltdown continues but attention still hangs on the bankers, not the politicians or the wrong-footed Ministry for Finance. Racism in Ireland raises its ugly head. Technology is riding in to save the print publishing industry. And there is a trend or two worth noticing.
Art: The Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf features in the first two minutes of today's Qik clip. He created the series Hotel to convey the ennui of the regular traveller.
Jennifer O'Connell shares research that shows 27% of Irish children are overwight or obese by the time they enter senior infants. Then she argues for better initiatives to combat this problem.
Direct link to Qik clip:
Direct link to 12-minute MP3 file:
Last Week: "Sindo Plus Three in 10 Minutes", 4 April 2010.
After the Deep Freeze: "Qik Sunday News", 28 Feb 10.
Last Year: "Learning from Qik", 11 April 2009.