JULY MARKS THE TIMEFRAME when I do two things online. First, I observe the anniversary of my time on Typepad, remembering that it was July 2003 that I started posting on Six Apart servers. I started using the system because I trusted Ben and Mena Trott, liked MovableType and found easy conversation when connecting with
James Corbett and
Euan Semple, two of the pathfinders for Typepad. I also use July to trim back artefacts--like my about page (partially scraped at right). One of my About Page sidebars pulls in a reading list from late 2004. I think some of the links are dead now and I know the Typelist of things I read regularly needs to be updated. If I do it properly, my about page will answer the question that arises every time I give a public presentation. I'll finally have something that's easily accessible and helps answer the question, "How do you keep up with all those things?" I'd like to be able to answer, "I read what pathfinders are suggesting." And I think those pathfinders deserve a place in my about page's sidebar.
One of the problems with the sidebar is it's linked text only and I inform my judgment with text, static images, occasional videos and a lot of audio snippets. I also get a lot of cross-talk from bog-standard Moleskine references. That Moleskine activity deserves special treatment. But for now, I'll start by revising my About Page and that will ensure it's current for the dot conf at the National College of Ireland on Thursday, 22 July 2010. I'm going to learn from Irish creatives who are usig web technologies in very innovative ways.
My first Typepad post: "Weighing the Options" on July 11, 2003.
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