THE Central Applications Office (CAO) WEBSITE is feeling the effects of a denial-of-service attack but Gav Reilly has scraped relevant CAO data that will help ease the distress. Over on the CAO website a polite notice advises, "Due to maintenance work, the CAO web site is currently unavailable. We apologise for the inconvenience." I wonder how many years will tick by before the CAO asks capable institutions to mirror their major database on peak days like today. I also wonder why the Higher Education Authority and the CAO haven't set aside a small amount (say 5%) of their unused IP space for the public good--effectively transforming the space into sticky honeynets or tarpits. We discuss those kinds of things on the third level degree programme in Tipperary Institute but I can strongly recommend this as a strategy to be explored by the CAO. Another denial of service will happen. Buying more servers isn't the most cost-effective way of combating the problem. As TippInst graduate Pieter Vos says, "The government should setup their own cloud computing cluster, and redirect resources where they're needed." Sound advice.
For the record, students who try to enter the creative multimedia programme at Tipperary Institute via the CAO must have nearly 300 points. Here is a complete breakdown of points required for all the TippInst courses:
TI007 Social and Community Studies 225
TI008 Environmental and Natural Resource Management 245
TI010 Accounting and Finance 245
TI013 Business 240
TI018 Computing - Games Design and Development 215
TI020 Computing – Smart Sustainable Energy 275
TI113 Business (Clonmel) 225
TI117 Information Technology - Creative Multimedia 295
TI121 Marketing 225
Props to Gav Reilly -- "CAO 2010"
Suggestion: Use CAO WWW2 to see Level 6/7 points. Or drill into some info I've scraped.