THE FIRST LIMERICK OPEN COFFEE meets in the Absolute Hotel at 11am on January 5, 2012, and I am looking forward to catching up on conversations that might continue from 2011.
I need a Mindful Productivity t-shirt for my real birthday. But first, I'd like to know how many colours of ink are used in a Mindful Diary. And are any visible under subdued light of an "after dark" session (#LOCCAD).
I'm taking a question to Miriam. "What is the youngest student you've trained with Superhands Baby Sign?
I think James Corbett will be near the coffee dock and I'd like to know MissionV's viewpoint on 3D video. Does it enhance the immersive learning experience? And there's a natural conversation about ICT in Education awaiting Pam O'Brien.
I want to ask Colm or Aideen O’Brien how different flavours of yoghurt feature in Carambola healthy school lunches. And I'd ask Elaine Dorris about the best fill for chocolate candy.
I'd like another story about wrens from Philip O'Rourke. And I'd like a story about people in pubs from Eamon Murtagh.
I haven't had a Frank McCourt story from Pat Carroll. Maybe the January 2012 LOCC session is the place to start. I need to pull more Americans into Limerick and the McCourt Museum is a worthwhile place to visit.
I have a ticket open with David Quaid concerning camera-facing moments students can make to enhance their employment prospects.
Edgecast Media is giving me hours of Technology podcasts every week. I hope Conn and Kehlan Kirwan can chat about the ID3 tags on their episodes because I've an idea worth considering.
I wonder what Mark Cahill would suggest for marketers starting out in 2012.
Ronan Skehill's pinpoints technology is the most elegant use of the electronic maps I carry in my pocket. Every time I meet Ronan, I learn another way of making location-based services more intelligent.
We need to bring exciting coding opportunities to teens in the Limerick region. Gabriela Avram has been bashing away at a few options, including Coder Dojo and Codecademy. I'd like to hear how things are unfolding.
Graham Royce, from his perspective in the Hartnett Enterprise Centre, always has a first-hand view of where the creative economy is heading. I've have third level graduates coming out of the pipeline who need to learn more about LEAP, perhaps by making a walk-through that we might co-ordinate during LOCC.
I would ask Patricia McGovern about the importance of positivity and the role OpenCoffee plays in keeping things focused in a positive way.
Limerick Open Coffee attracts up to 30 people every session. I doubt the first meet-up of the new year will be more than half that number but every time I go, I get peer reviews of apps I'm using and programmes I'm considering.
Adam Singer -- "12 Industry Leaders Share Advice For Marketers Starting Out In 2012", January 3, 2012.
Mindful Productivity asks, "What are your intentions for 2012?"
I'm saving the real sca for John Jennings. The guy in the photo is Frank Hannigan, storyteller.