Bernie Goldbach in Cashel | My photo of our home router
SOME PEOPLE MIGHT KNOW that I handed over the @ireland account to World Irish this year. But few know that I lost eircom broadband during the week I last curated the account.
I mistimed my eircom payments in March and discovered that I couldn't go more than three months without lodging some money towards payment of my home telephone service. I've refined a habit of my Irish great-grandparents and learned to delay payments but sometimes I cut it too close to termination points. So I lost eircom connectivity at the time I handled the Twitter account for @ireland during the Patrick's Day festivities.
I reverted the home to an O2 Hotshot, not expecting what happened next. It turned out that I didn't fall offline during the interval. At 20 euro per month, the O2 service is significantly less expensive than eircom's. We spent 80 euro every month with eircom, the amount I'm paying each month to reconcile an outstanding 300 euro balance.