Bernie Goldbach walking Cashel | Shot at the Kilkenny Shop
I ASK MY PHONE for information because it is connected to a very sharp Lazy Web. I watched a tourist strolling through Cashel (Ireland) do the same thing.
Most people I know just tap questions into Twitter and go with the current flow. If you're asking when the right kind of people are listening, that may work. I have two other apps that consistently deliver good results when searching for restaurants, activities for children or open wifi.
If I want very incisive restaurant and hotel information, I ask TripAdvisor. I've occasionally increased the distance I will drive based on an answer there.
Lately, I have asked things like "kids" or "children" or "Italian" or "wifi" by using the Explore feature of Foursquare. Normally the results come back for things up to20km away. Explore also lets me set the city of reference and delivers results from a circle of connected contacts. I have discovered playgrounds, free muffins and open wifi that way. And the results have phone numbers, maps and photos like the one in the accompanying shot. Foursquare does crowd-sourced information well.
Shared via Typepad's iOS app using Mifi coverage. Bernie Goldbach curates local links.