AN INTERESTING BUZZ is happening in community audio that you can hear and see in content tagged as #audiomo. And as in all vibrant community projects, several real initiatives are bubbling out across time zones.
Based on the snippets of thought, soundscapes and stories that I've already heard a few days into the Audiomo project, I've told my Lumia phone to remind me just before noon on Wednesday (12.12.12) to record 12 seconds of content on the 12th month of the 12th year. As Dizzy Thinker suggests, I'm going to upload it to my Audioboo account and tag it #twelmo. And probably cross-reference it another way as well.
I'm a sucker for listening to stories and that's the biggest reason I've let the spirit of community audio divert me into hours of content emerging each day that people around the world are sharing, mostly in three to five minute chunks of time. I can hear accents from every major geographic region of the United Kingdom, American accents from places I once lived, and a smattering of Canadians from Toronto to British Columbia. This home-grown content makes no apologies for background noises, audio quality or rambling thoughts. It's pure, unadulterated community audio and fascinating at its source--mainly through smartphone apps. I'm part of that flow, posting stuff effortlessly to Audioboo.fm/topgold.
Years ago, I listened to Personal On-Demand audiocasts (podcasts) before Apple hijacked the term and made it synonymous with the iPod. Ten years ago, it was demand radio on demand from WXTC.net and Brian Greene or IT conversations recorded by Doug Kaye. By 2004, it was the Daily Source Code with Adam Curry. Ireland had early adopters in Jessie Ward, Jett Loe and Steve McCormack. We also had a sporadic run at podcasting in Tipperary Institute and proved the concept. But as in all social media ventures, you need to have the time and space to carve out results. The ease of use with Audioboo on iOS is one reason I've made more than 800 subscribeable audio on that system. Callburner inside Skype is another reason I can maintain the flow, knowing everything is happening in the background and all I have to do is work with a good mic in the foreground.
I'd be curious what you think about the results. And I'm very interested in hearing millions of voices at noon in local time on the 12th of the 12th of the 12th next month.
Bernie Goldbach is @topgold on the Audioboo community audio network.