DAN YORK ASKS, "Can a blog post be a work in progress?" I think he's seen a few thousand of my posts.
I read Dan, and listen to him on the For Immediate Release podcast. He wonders if we are "stuck with the mental model of blog posts as pieces of content that are just published and then not touched again." I don't think that way. In fact, I know I don't tell the whole story when I blog and that I often expand my blog posts with audio posts or photostreams.
Plus, I also blog about things that I need to get, hoping to receive comments from readers and listeners. Right now, I need advice on a 90W power adapter for my Dell Precision M2400. If everything works out right, my blog (or my Audioboo or my tweet) will elicit a response.
The "related posts" by Zemanta, seen through the Typepad system, also helps me revise copy prior to posting or on review years later. I rarely update old posts but I do inform my judgment on new content by reading old stuff.
In the meantime, I'm very interested in Dan York's quest to tear down some of my hs barriers to doing more blogging. I'd recommend forking his effort into audio and that he joins the Audioboo community by making two or three five-minute blog posts via audio commentary. Then adding relevant short summaries to the ID3 tag (description box) in the Audioboo upload.
As I have learned, the feedback I get via my audio channel is stronger, faster and in greater numbers than I get on my blog. I know there are no more than 28 regular readers of my blog. I rarely get that few listening to my audio content on Audioboo.fm/topgold.
Here's hoping Dan shared more audio, beyond the helpful content he creates for the weekly business podcast with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson.
Dan York -- "Can a blog post be a work in progress?" on Disruptive Conversations, November 28, 2012.
Bernie Goldbach captures best practise in media writing for the Honours Degree in Creative Multimedia at the Limerick School of Art and Design.