I HAVE ACHIEVED more in less time by using Evernote to source, cross-check, produce and share work.
A nice add-on to Evernote is Everclip for iOS. I let it run in the background and whenever I copy something on screen it is snapped directly into Everclip. When I view an Everclip item, it goes straight into the Evernote folder I have selected.
I collect big dividends, and get a great deal of satisfaction, when I put finished items into my Evernote archive. Every week, Evernote plugs holes in my failing memory by serving up important documents, audio clips and images from projects, meetings, emails, podcasts, book extracts, legal briefs, patent filings and family scrapbook treasures.
I cannot remember life without Evernote. I'm glad Evernote is a 100 year company.
Filing this under GTD.