PART OF THE Irish recession affects public transport because withdrawn subsidies mean fewer long distance commuting options for me. Up until the December budget, I could walk out of my home in Cashel at 0701, onto a bus at 0715 and then onto Dublin's streets before 1000. I could return before 1800, killing three meetings in Dublin. Everything just got more difficult. For me to make those three meetings while using my preferred
Aircoach option, one meeting has to occur after 1500 and that puts me back home at 2000. Aircoach is running fewer circuits around rural Ireland. As a resuklt, my average duty day for a Dublin meet-up got extended by two hours. The only work-around is driving to a rail connection and recovering two lost hours that way because the train is faster than the bus. However, that means buying a second car and paying twice as much for the 84-mile run to Dublin (Irish Rail is much more expensive than a bus.). I won't buy a second car. I will start reducing my travel and rely more on
virtual conferencing.
Sent mail2blog using Nokia E90 3G O2-Typepad service aboard Aircoach in County Kilkenny, Ireland.