Looking at Gordon Richardson (Topman).
I HAVE STARTED SAVING screen captures of well-dressed men because I need the motivation to lose weight in order to get a nice look. Today I put Gordon Richardson into my collection.
I'm just about the same age as Gordon Richardson, the creative director of Topman (shown at left). I work with creative multimedia and digital animation students who respect me more when I look the part. I do like to look good because when I've the attention of a lecture hall full of students, I owe it to those present to look like I care.
I used to wear a suit and before that I wore a uniform. Back in the day, my flight suit and Air Force blues could turn heads. I've dropped well down the appearance charts now and want to have a goal to regain some lost stature.
I would like a smart jacket over skinny trousers because I think that combination subverts the expected.
I have to set aside a pile of entertainment money if I truly want to climb up the upmarket creative dress ladder and try to mimic the Jobs Look with a black shirt. I'd go for woven silk tuxedo trousers if you're buying and finish with Nike tennis classic trainers. But first, a gaberdine coat--and that will set me back more than the cost of a fully tricked-out Surface Pro 3 tablet.
[Bernie Goldbach is dreaming in the Limerick School of Art & Design.]